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The Decision Transformer (DT) model casts offline reinforcement learning as a conditional sequence modeling problem.

Unlike prior approaches to offline RL that fit value functions or compute policy gradients, Decision Transformer simply outputs the optimal actions by leveraging a causally masked Transformer. By conditioning an autoregressive model on the desired return (reward-to-go), past states, and actions, Decision Transformer model can generate future actions that achieve the desired return.

Original paper:

Reference resources:


Due to the simple supervised objective and transformer architecture, Decision Transformer is simple, stable and easy to implement as it
has a minimum number of moving parts.


Despite its simplicity and stability, DT has a number of drawbacks. It does not capable of stitching suboptimal 
trajectories (that's why poor performance on AntMaze datasets), and can also [show]( bad performance in stochastic environments.

Possible extensions:

We'd be glad if someone would be interested in contributing them!

Implemented Variants

Variants Implemented Description
For continuous action spaces and offline RL without fine-tuning support.

Explanation of logged metrics

  • eval/{target_return}_return_mean: mean undiscounted evaluation return when prompted with config.target_return value (there might be more than one)
  • eval/{target_return}_return_std: standard deviation of the undiscounted evaluation return across config.eval_episodes episodes
  • eval/{target_return}_normalized_score_mean: mean normalized score when prompted with config.target_return value (there might be more than one). Should be between 0 and 100, where 100+ is the performance above expert for this environment. Implemented by D4RL library [ source].
  • eval/{target_return}_normalized_score_std: standard deviation of the normalized score return across config.eval_episodes episodes
  • train_loss: current training loss, Mean squared error (MSE) for continuous action spaces
  • learning_rate: current learning rate, helps monitor learning rate schedule

Implementation details

  1. Batch sampling weighted by trajectory length ( algorithms/offline/
  2. State normalization during training and inference ( algorithms/offline/
  3. Reward downscaling ( algorithms/offline/
  4. Positional embedding shared across one transition ( algorithms/offline/
  5. Prompting with multiple return-to-go's during evaluation, as DT can be sensitive to the prompt ( algorithms/offline/

Experimental results

For detailed scores on all benchmarked datasets see benchmarks section. Reports visually compare our reproduction results with original paper scores to make sure our implementation is working properly.

Training options

usage: [-h] [--config_path str] [--project str] [--group str] [--name str] [--embedding_dim int] [--num_layers int]
             [--num_heads int] [--seq_len int] [--episode_len int] [--attention_dropout float] [--residual_dropout float]
             [--embedding_dropout float] [--max_action float] [--env_name str] [--learning_rate float]
             [--betas float float] [--weight_decay float] [--clip_grad [float]] [--batch_size int] [--update_steps int]
             [--warmup_steps int] [--reward_scale float] [--num_workers int] [--target_returns float [float, ...]]
             [--eval_episodes int] [--eval_every int] [--checkpoints_path [str]] [--deterministic_torch bool]
             [--train_seed int] [--eval_seed int] [--device str]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config_path str     Path for a config file to parse with pyrallis (default: None)


  --project str         wandb project name (default: CORL)
  --group str           wandb group name (default: DT-D4RL)
  --name str            wandb run name (default: DT)
  --embedding_dim int   transformer hidden dim (default: 128)
  --num_layers int      depth of the transformer model (default: 3)
  --num_heads int       number of heads in the attention (default: 1)
  --seq_len int         maximum sequence length during training (default: 20)
  --episode_len int     maximum rollout length, needed for the positional embeddings (default: 1000)
  --attention_dropout float
                        attention dropout (default: 0.1)
  --residual_dropout float
                        residual dropout (default: 0.1)
  --embedding_dropout float
                        embeddings dropout (default: 0.1)
  --max_action float    maximum range for the symmetric actions, [-1, 1] (default: 1.0)
  --env_name str        training dataset and evaluation environment (default: halfcheetah-medium-v2)
  --learning_rate float
                        AdamW optimizer learning rate (default: 0.0001)
  --betas float float   AdamW optimizer betas (default: (0.9, 0.999))
  --weight_decay float  AdamW weight decay (default: 0.0001)
  --clip_grad [float]   maximum gradient norm during training, optional (default: 0.25)
  --batch_size int      training batch size (default: 64)
  --update_steps int    total training steps (default: 100000)
  --warmup_steps int    warmup steps for the learning rate scheduler (default: 10000)
  --reward_scale float  reward scaling, to reduce the magnitude (default: 0.001)
  --num_workers int     number of workers for the pytorch dataloader (default: 4)
  --target_returns float [float, ...]
                        target return-to-go for the prompting durint evaluation (default: (12000.0, 6000.0))
  --eval_episodes int   number of episodes to run during evaluation (default: 100)
  --eval_every int      evaluation frequency, will evaluate eval_every training steps (default: 10000)
  --checkpoints_path [str]
                        path for checkpoints saving, optional (default: None)
  --deterministic_torch bool
                        configure PyTorch to use deterministic algorithms instead of nondeterministic ones (default: False)
  --train_seed int      training random seed (default: 10)
  --eval_seed int       evaluation random seed (default: 42)
  --device str          training device (default: cuda)